Simplicity + the Best Soundtrack For Artmaking
My son is home from school today so we did some art-making together. I did these simplifying landscape practices (Use 3 mediums and just 3 marks to draw the landscape), while he did his own thing.
The best was listening to his art-making self-talk, which he was speaking outloud…
“Dayum… I love this one so soon!”
“Well that didn’t work out, lol. It was fun to do anyway. And fun is the whole point of art, so I’ll call that a win.”
“Oops! I spilled! But wait, I actually really like that. It’s a good thing I’m such a wildcard.”
“Oh I love this. And this part too. And this here and that there. Ok, so the whole thing is awesome.”
“I love being an artist.”
“I know you said just 3 marks but I’m really feeling like doing more so I’m going to ignore that. Hey, if you can’t break the rules when you’re making art, then it’s not art. So yeah.”
What a wonderful soundtrack to make art to.