Fine Art Prints, available through Fine Art America

When you purchase through Fine Art America, they handle the purchase process, as well as the printing and shipping of your order. I think you’ll love that FAA..

  • switches their billing process over to your county’s currency and metric system once you provide them with your address.
  • selects the fine art printer within their global network that is closest to your location so that you save on shipping costs.
  • offers a 30-day full refund guarantee if you’re not satisfied with your purchase for any reason at all.

Unfortunately I cannot hand-sign the art prints purchased through FAA. And if you live in South Africa, it’s best to rather order your fine art prints direct from me as FAA doesn’t have a print office in South Africa.

Help with deciding between the many options that Fine Art America will offer you

FAA offers a lot of options to choose from when you order your fine art prints. It’s great to have options, but it can also feel overwhelming, so I’ve put together a little primer for you to make the decisions simpler, clearer, and easier.