Aerial inspiration!
In my research process for the commission I’m working on (an abstract landscape inspired by rural Dubbo in Australia), I used a tool that we used when we were preparing to immigrate to the Netherlands and choosing a neighbourhood to live in… Google maps will give you a wonderful bird’s eye view of the landscape.
And what a delight to find these geometric and combed concentric circular field patterns, the meandering line of the Macquarie River, the clustered dots of eucalyptus trees, and of course the lovely rust and terracotta shades and textures of the soil!
These aerial views got me thinking about “bird’s eye views”, which got me wondering, “which birds?” Boy was I delighted to find out about Galahs!
I mean…
1.) what a fun name to say
2.) look at their cool colours!
3.) they commonly fly in large flocks… think pink spots and streaks across the sky!
Galah photo by Imogen Warren