Maybe paintings are prayers
Happiness is… seeing their joy at their decision to buy these 3 of my paintings from my “April in Paris Study” series to display together in their home.
I don’t always know why a collector has chosen a particular artwork when they buy it, but when they do share, it’s always such a delight and wonder to see the resonance between my intentions for the artwork (which they often didn’t know about when they first felt drawn to the artwork) and where they’re at in their life.
What they need, what they’re seeking, what they’re exploring and learning about, or what they’re feeling deeply grateful for.
I don’t understand how or why, but I think that both making and choosing art (for yourself or others) can be a kind of prayer.
And I love, love, love it when – purely by picking out the visuals they’re drawn to – people find the prayers I made that turn out to be perfect for them.