Gathering up the clues
As I’ve continued all of the new non-committal exploring and learning I’ve been pursuing this year, a little collection of sketches, experiments, and art-making “scales” is growing. Most of it is “incomplete” art that isn’t ready for sale, but what I’ve been collecting up is the stuff I’ve produced that is feeling good – like, “this has something I love and want to incorporate” or “this is the direction I want to go”. I’m keeping it out on display so I can continue to soak it up, mull on it, and let it inspire me.
I’m still not sure where it’s taking me, but I’m learning to be more patient, to embrace uncertainty, to stay curious and playful, to trust the process, and to do more listening and watching and asking instead of so much answering in my art-making. I’m loving the journey – especially the happy surprises of ways of working or results that are new to me – and I’m excited to see what “completed art” evolves out of all of this.