Atelier Route Utrecht: Thank you!

Atelier Route Utrecht was such a blast! The room was full of interested and interesting people (from at least 12 different cultures!), curiosity, delight, conversation, connection, colour, and joy!

Thank you to everyone who visited, told me what your favourite artworks or art moments were (I always loving hearing that), put up with my terrible Dutch with grace and patience, bought some art for your home, shared your passion for creativity or therapy or both, brought gifts of wine, brought your friends and family along, arrived with greetings from my fellow artists on the route who so generously sent them my way, brought love from mutual friends who told them about it but couldn’t be there, sent messages to say they were with us in spirit with wishes for a wonderful weekend, and asked to stay in touch. You all are THE BEST.

Having been here in the Netherlands for just 18 months, this felt like the best kind of house-warming party. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Below if a little thank you video I made. We unfortunately didn’t get pics of everyone, but I think the video captures a little bit of the wonderful vibe of the weekend.

(And thank you to Photographer, Aard van der Tas from Maxima Park (the park that inspired my Wandelen collection) for stopping by to take these lovely photos below.)